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Announcement Concerning the Illicit Registration in Hong Kong of Guodian Overseas Power Co., Limited Falsely Claiming to be a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of China Guodian Corporation

Author:    Source:    Time: 2023-12-02   Font:【L M S

China Energy Investment Corporation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “China Energy”) was established through the merger of China Guodian Corporation and Shenhua Group Corporation in 2018. China Guodian Corporation has been deregistered on December 31, 2021. Additionally, Guodian Overseas Power Co., Ltd.(shown in simplified Chinese) has been registered in Changping District, Beijing in June 2007, with 51% share held by China Energy.

It has come to our attention that certain unauthorized personnel, by forging seal and signature of legal person, have deceitfully registered Guodian Overseas Power Co., Limited (shown in traditional Chinese, hereinafter referred to as “Guodian Overseas Power”) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, purporting to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Guodian Corporation. Following our investigation, Guodian Overseas Power (shown in traditional Chinese) as well as its shareholders, directors and affiliated subsidiaries or branches (if applicable), have no equity connections, affiliations, investments, partnerships, business associations, authorization or any other ties with China Energy and Guodian Overseas Power Co., Ltd. (shown in simplified Chinese) Actions of the aforesaid entity have nothing to do with China Energy. China Energy therefore reserves the right to pursue responsibility from relevant entity in accordance with the law.

We would remind the public to exercise caution and remain vigilant against any risks in relation to this situation. If any suspected illegal acts associated with the entity, are discovered, please report to relevant authorities without delay.

No.  Falsely Registered Company  Company Registration Number  Director & ID Place of Registration 
 Guodian Overseas Power Co., Limited(shown in traditional Chinese)  3316604 Xu Renshun


Hong Kong, China

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