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China Energy’s Dadu River Company Donated 1.5 Million Yuan to Support Education in Aba Prefecture

Author:    Source: Communication Company   Time: 2023-11-30   Font:【L M S

Recently, the charity foundation of Dadu River Company, under China Energy, donated 1.5 million yuan to the Kuasha Village Central School, Aba Zang and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. This donation aims to support the renovation of the school's sports field, further enhancing support for education in ethnic minority areas.

Kuasha Village Central School is located at the junction of Sichuan, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces, in a mountainous plateau area at an altitude of over 3,100 meters. It is one of the most remote boarding schools in Aba County, with inadequate hardware facilities and a lack of educational resources. After understanding the actual situation, the charity foundation of Dadu River Company actively contacted the local government, aligned with the school's needs, and implemented the donation to repair and renovate the school's sports field infrastructure.

The earmarked funds will be used for the repair of the sports field surface, construction of a rubber track and activity area, drainage treatment, addition of sports equipment, and the installation of campus lighting facilities. This initiative aims to further improve the educational conditions in ethnic minority areas and promote the development of education in these regions.

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