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CHN Energy Shipping Company’s Annual Cargo Volume Exceeds 100 Million Tons

Author:    Source: Communication Company   Time: 2024-05-21   Font:【L M S

As of May 14, CHN Energy Shipping Company has achieved a cumulative annual cargo volume of 100.035 million tons, reaching the 100 million threshold 14 days earlier than 2023 and setting a record for the highest cargo volume for the same period in history.

CHN Energy Shipping Company currently owns 58 vessels with a total deadweight tonnage of 3.24 million tons. Over the years, the company actively builds an integrated domestic and international dual-cycle operation model, achieving high-quality completion of various production targets. In 2023, the company completed 258 million tons of waterway cargo transport, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%, maintaining the top position in domestic coastal and river bulk transportation for seven consecutive years.

This year, the shipping company expands foreign trade, and successfully opens proprietary ship routes from Indonesia to the Philippines and Indonesia to Vietnam. It has also developed industrial salt cargo from India to Yantai, breaking the single-type foreign trade cargo mold, marking the company's first foreign trade transport business of non-coal products. Currently, the company's foreign trade transport volume has reached 8.946 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 5.126 million tons, or 134.2%.

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